Voyager Coffee


We believe in the power of people focused on something they love. The whole team is driven by a desire to see everyone, no matter where they are, enjoying remarkable coffees that have a positive impact on the planet.

Managing Director

Emma Davis

Managing Director

Emma Davis

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

To start with I love to do as much as I possibly can – preferably outdoors. My Saturdays usually start by popping to get a flat white from The Almond Thief on my way to watch my son’s matches – ideally, I end up at the beach or maybe the moors if it’s a gloomy day.

What do you love about coffee?

I’ve got to say the taste – there are so many coffees to explore. But, it’s also more than that – it’s the social aspect, being able to connect with lots of different people.

Head Barista Trainer

Steve Partridge

Head Barista Trainer

Steve Partridge

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

Fishing, Walking, Camping, and spending time with family.

What do you love about coffee?

What I love about coffee is spending that 5 minutes to just relax and totally enjoy the great taste while watching the world go by.

Head Roaster

Gabe Fill

Head Roaster

Gabe Fill

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

Firstly, getting outside, sending gnarly boulder routes or catching some surf when the conditions are right!
or hitting the local coffee spot and dreaming up the next adventure.

What do you love about coffee?

Coffee has become so much more than an enjoyable Sunday afternoon, to work within the industry has opened my eyes to how coffee connects people and communities across the globe, and at home. The work that goes into each cup, from green to a perfectly pulled espresso is inspiring and motivating.

Account Manager and Support

Ryan Moore

Account Manager and Support

Ryan Moore

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

On a weekend I’ll be out walking with my lurcher on Dartmoor, or Canoeing round the beautiful Devon coasts and rivers.

What do you love about coffee?

Coffee is diverse and wild, combing traditional and new techniques and process’s  to bring bold flavours and experiences.

Service Engineer

Stu Flackett

Service Engineer

Stu Flackett

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

Supporting the Armed Forces Bikers (AFB) motorcycle charity which aims to assist former serving members of the armed forces in charitable need as a result of injury or other harmful experiences suffered during their service.

Exploring, hanging out, having a good time and making great memories with family.

What do you love about coffee?

For me, coffee can be appreciated in many different ways. My favourite thing, however, is how it warms me up in every way on a winter day. I also love the way it provides a good kickstart for the day and some timeout, be it at work or during my free time to socialise.

Service Engineer

Jake Fox

Service Engineer

Jake Fox

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

Free diving, climbing, kayaking and random adventures.

What do you love about coffee?

I love how coffee can be so changeable and how a great coffee can make your morning .


Johanna Featherstone


Johanna Featherstone

What are your two favourite things to do on the weekend?
Depending on what side of my personality wakes up on a Saturday morning, I am either enjoying a spinning class early in the morning or a good lie in with a coffee in bed! With the rest of the day, spend time with family & friends and a glass of wine in my hand.

What do you love about coffee?
There is a Swedish tradition called “FIKA” that means that you take a break in your day and it’s time for coffee and cake. So coffee means relax for me!

Technical Coordinator

Jenelle Barber

Technical Coordinator

Jenelle Barber

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

I love to spend time with my family and baking goods in the kitchen.

I really enjoy arts and crafts.


What do you love about coffee?

I enjoy going for coffee and making it into a social event.

Or snuggling up in front of a fire with my husband drinking Voyager coffee during the winter nights.

Customer Service

Faye Greenwood

Customer Service

Faye Greenwood

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

Going for a lovely coffee in Paignton and surrounding towns with my husband.

What do you love about coffee?

The freshness of a lovely roasted Voyager Coffee especially Roadtrip and Trailblaze.

Customer Service

Tanya Woods

Customer Service

Tanya Woods

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

My absolute favourite thing to do on the weekend is walking on the moors with my pooch, Bella. We also love woodland and riverside walking if it’s too windy for the moors. Afterwards we love catching up with friends in a cafe for a coffee (especially if it’s Voyager Coffee!) and lunch. 

What do you love about coffee?

I love my first and last cups of coffee of the day. The first wakes me up and the last gets me through the afternoon. The ones in between just keep me ticking along nicely.

Customer Services Coordinator

Alison Durling

Customer Services Coordinator

Alison Durling

What are your two favourite things to do on the weekend?

A walk on the moor, followed by a pint in a country pub with my family.

Originally being from London, I am still in awe of looking at cows in Devon.

You cant beat looking at a good cow.

What do you love about coffee?

I love how wildly different each individual coffee can taste. From a super fruity Kenyan, a tea-like Ethiopian, a rich Brazilian coffee – I love them all.

I love that there are so many factors which play a role in how a coffee tastes: where its from/how it is grown/processed/roasted and brewed. I’m also a sucker for a good brew process – particularly single origin filter coffee.


Roastery Assistant

Doug Broad

Roastery Assistant

Doug Broad

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

There are so many fun things to do on the weekend, but since moving back to Devon, I love getting up on the moors and finding a quiet swim spot or trading feet for wheels and going mountain biking.

What do you love about coffee?

How much goes into determining the flavour of your cup of coffee. There are so many steps between picking the coffee cherry and sipping a brew and they can all have such a difference on the end product.

Roastery Production Assistant

Jack Cross

Roastery Production Assistant

Jack Cross

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?
On the weekends I spend a lot of my time either rock climbing and spending time with my friends and Family
What do you love about coffee?
Coffee is such a diverse field and the amount of variation in what is coming out of different countries means there’s always something new and interesting coming out to try!


Kelly Knoesen


Kelly Knoesen

What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

I love bonfires in my garden and playing guitar on weekends …

What do you love about coffee?

I love that coffee brings people and communities together and gives us all something that everyone has in common.

Team Mascot


Team Mascot


What are two of your favourite things to do on the weekend?

We can testify that Coco LOVES going to the beach and falling asleep in front of a fire.


What do you love about coffee?

Coco can regularly be found licking up coffee grounds that have made their way to the floor, so we think it must be the flavour!

Team Mascot


Team Mascot


What are your two favourite things to do on the weekend?
I LOVE a good long walk, ideally chasing some squirrels and getting some dog treats at a cosy pub where I can fall asleep in my parent’s lap. Or playing with my toys, I am not fussy!

What do you love about coffee?
I love helping the team in the office by being the emotional support system of when they have had a cup of coffee too much! And I like the cuddles!